Download from soundcloud api
Some others and I wrote a CLI for this: So youtube-dl master supports Soundcloud. I have the latest youtube-dl, but it doesn't seem to work: Not Found Also, soundcloud-dl has an issue with that URL. Even wavs are affected: I'd love to see TOS confirming this. Also should be noted that a subset download from soundcloud api songs have a download url. That's nice, but much more importantly, here's the script to hide these awful track-comments by default: Does it work for Chrome using I have it queued up as answer to a question a user had here http: When in doubt try google with "soundcloud hide comment script", I think there are 2 or 3 around, one of them definitely works. I'm not saying you're the reason we get things like SOPA, but this is the kind of thing that allows the grinches at the RIAA to feel justified in asking for sweeping changes to the internet we know and love. So, nice little piece of work you've done here, but as a reformed music pirate trying to stay clean, I'm going to have to stay away. In many cases to download files from sites like this, I recommend Jdownloader. JonnieCache days ago FYI you can get the streaming url from their public API, you don't have to muck around with string interpolation. Jach days ago I'm a big fan of the Firefox addon DownloadHelper. It's also quite easy to spot the url using firebug or chrome's developer tools and the "network" tab. Most sites tumblr, turntable. JonnieCache days ago. FYI you can get the streaming url from their public API, you don't have to muck around with string interpolation. They know it's easy to get so they just put it right there in the API for you to use. Also if you used the api you could have your script preferentially download from soundcloud api the original file if the artist made it available. Jach days ago. I'm a big fan of the Firefox addon DownloadHelper. It works for pretty much everything. As noted, this is not a vulnerability, because it just makes it easier to save the download from soundcloud api version of the song 16bit Hz kbps. Notice the difference between the lousy k version and the original WAV download on this song: Download from soundcloud api News new comments show ask jobs submit. Download any Download from soundcloud api song github. Nobody has said this here yet though it is mentioned in the github commentsso I guess I'll be that guy. Considering that Soundcloud gives uploaders the option to allow downloads, it's a pretty gross violation of the artists' intent to download tracks that aren't already explicitly downloadable. Many artists even offer an alternative download download from soundcloud api in the track description for cases where Soundcloud's limit is exceeded. And, as zmitri has pointed out, it is perhaps of greater concern that tools like this make it harder for entities like Soundcloud to justify their existence to stingy music rights holders.