Download g debian package
Since our PGP keys and packages are located on the same server, they are equally trusted. It is highly advised to additionally verify the download g debian package of the downloaded PGP key. This concept is described in details in GPG Mini Howto. Our keys have enough signatures, and their authenticity is relatively easy to check. Get your ticket now! Version Supported Platforms 6. Version Codename Supported Platforms 7. Version Codename Supported Platforms Please download this key from our web site, and add it to the apt program keyring with the following command:. Packaging sources can be found in the packaging sources repository. Packaging sources are distributed under the same 2-clause BSD-like license used by nginx. Main nginx package is built download g debian package all modules that do not require additional libraries to avoid extra dependencies. Linux packages Currently, nginx packages are available for the following distributions and versions: Please download this key from our web site, and add it to the apt program keyring with the following command: Dynamic Modules Main nginx package is built with all modules that do not require additional libraries to avoid extra dependencies.