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Infected Android smartphones begin to install other, legitimate Android apps -- then rate them highly. This fraudulently inflates their reputation, according to Check Point researchers. Google has already removed the legitimate apps from its official store that have benefited from this ratings conspiracy, according to a blog post by Adrian Download game qplay hack crack, the company's director of Android security.

The malware also installs malicious advertising software that tracks users, a potential boon for data-hungry marketers. But the problem persists. Another 13, devices are getting infected and breached daily, according to Check Point researchers who have been tracking this type of cyberattack since last year. They've nicknamed the hacking campaign "Gooligan. Check Point has set up a website -- Gooligan.

Hackers have gained access to download game qplay hack crack than 1. That discovery comes from computer researchers at Check Point, a cybersecurity firm. On Wednesday, Google confirmed to CNNMoney the nature and extent of the problem. The hackers have managed to steal digital "tokens" that give them access to Google services, like a person's email and photo collection. But according to Google, hackers have not yet tapped that information and stolen it.

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Alternatively, Android users could check to see if they have downloaded illegitimate versions of any of the apps listed at the bottom of this article. Smartphone owners are advised to only download certified computer programs from official repositories. Google has its Google Play store. Apple has its App Store.

But some people insist on visiting unofficial app stores -- typically on shady websites -- because they offer free, counterfeit versions of popular apps. Perfect Cleaner Demo WiFi Enhancer Snake gla. Most stock quote data provided by BATS. Market indices are shown in real time, except for the DJIA, which is delayed by two minutes. All times are ET. FactSet Research Systems Inc. Certain market data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc.

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