Download git plugin for jenkins
Can anybody please let me know if these two env variables are broken or if I am missing something here? I have parameterized build, set up a "String parameter", for example name is BRANCH with default value master. Next, i have schedule for checking changes in git. So, when SCM check repo it doesn't use default value for parameter BRANCH, it check repo as is. I saw in git poll:. Installed git on windows from http: If there are multiple branches, would the default checkout strategy always pick one of the specified branch with the latest commit? Started by user dave Checkout: LocalChannel 3faa7a6a Using strategy: Default Last Built Revision: Problem fetching from origin - could be unavailable. The error occurs directly after the "git ls-tree HEAD" command. Source code can be found at https: You may need to tell git who the user Jenkins is running as. Do this by using either of the following, which work even if the user is not supposed to have shell access. FIXME this changelog entry is incomplete! Please give me some love! How do I build a specific revision? This is necessary for reproducibility. I download git plugin for jenkins a tutorial on getting hudson to work with git and grails. It includes all the information necessary to set up an integration server using git and hudson even if you aren't interested in grails development:. Answer Yes when prompt. Beware, this is user specific. SO if download git plugin for jenkins run jenkins as user 'John', make sure you login as 'John' before running the previous command. You will typically run into this problem is you let Jenkins runn as "Local System" but try to add the key to your list while logged in with your user. Therefore, the "merge before build" would always fail. Am I missing something? Git merge would fail every time via this plugin because it would not know how to deal with those version numbers. Has anyone else hit this? On the above settings, I get the following log:. Started by user daleh Checkout: LocalChannel ab8d Using strategy: LocalChannel ab8d GitAPI created Download git plugin for jenkins changes from the remote Git repository Fetching upstream changes from git git. Not a directory From git git. As for needing to remove any "old conflicting branches", I have none. This is a simple project with no conflicting branches. The git repository does clone, however I am trying to clone only master and this plugin always clones a specific revision of master, not the branch 'master' itself. This results in the repository being left in a detached head state and therefore I cannot commit any files from the working directory download git plugin for jenkins to the repository. I use a private local Maven repository download git plugin for jenkins in the workspace of a Gerrit verification job. I would like to keep this local Maven repository for performance reasons, while using "Clean after checkout". Permalink Reply Sep 14, Trying to fetch build into C: Fetching download git plugin for jenkins changes from git: Permalink Reply Oct 19, You do not have permission to create issues in this project. Permalink Reply Nov 01, BTW I found a workaround - using a Cygwin shell in the workspace directory, I did: Permalink Reply Nov 11, Again I ask politely yet earnestly for this bug to be addressed please. Interaction with the Git runtime is performed by the use of the [JENKINS: Use exotic installations at your own risk. This plugin requires dependent plugins that are built for Jenkins 1. The dependent plugins may or may not work in your Jenkins and consequently this plugin may or may not work in your Jenkins. Which one is it? This is a huge problem for me, can someone explain why this plugin does not clone the named branch I specify in the settings? This plugin should be doing a normal clone operation, especially when a specific branch is named. If you're running that old a version of Jenkins, you should probably also remain on the exact versions of plugins that you're running on that Jenkins server. It was a weekly release, not a long term support release. It is no longer maintained. Even the long term support releases are typically only actively maintained for months. If you choose to upgrade plugins, you should probably also choose to upgrade Jenkins. If you choose to upgrade Jenkins, you should probably upgrade Jenkins to a long term support release so that you're using a version that spent some additional time in evaluation before it was released. Builds for this repo are triggered manually by the users. Is there a way to achieve this? Permalink Reply Nov 12, Permalink Reply Nov 13, What are the download git plugin for jenkins for version 2. Permalink Reply Nov 24, Permalink Reply Download git plugin for jenkins 05, FAILURE Cloning the remote Git repository Cloning repository git scmgit. Permalink Reply Aug 02, Hello, I am download git plugin for jenkins to use this plugin in a freestyle Jenkins build, under Source Code Management. Permalink Reply Dec 16, Permalink Reply Dec 19, Permalink Reply Feb 01, Permalink Reply Apr 15, You say that is is "absent in download git plugin for jenkins version". If by "this version" you mean a version of the git plugin that is less than 3. Permalink Reply Feb 14, I do not know how download git plugin for jenkins use it yet. Hi all, I want to detect and build tags from only one specific branch, and I don't download git plugin for jenkins exactly what the tag string will look like. Do you know how to configure git plugin for this? Permalink Reply Feb 23, Hi, I have been trying to use the below environment variables in the jenkins job but unable to access them: Permalink Reply Jul download git plugin for jenkins, Please, help to find out, does Parameter still work for Git plugins in SCM. The option " Use credentials from default remote of parent repository " which existed in " Advanced sub-module behaviors " is absent in this version. Any reason for this? Powered by a free Atlassian Confluence Open Source Project License granted to Jenkins. Spaces People Create Create. Profile Tasks Download git plugin for jenkins for later Watches Drafts Network Settings Atlassian Marketplace. This can lead to the code base remaining unstable as developers tread on each others toes steadily fixing one thing, but breaking something else. TeamCity attempt to fix this by making commits into SVN only 'really' happen once they have been tested. Space shortcuts Product requirements. Space Details Your profile picture is used as the logo for your personal space. Change your profile picture. E dit Save f or later W atch S hare A t tachments 2 Page History Restrictions. This has build-terminating results in my case, but is probably just weird for most people. You can see around the "warning: Those new branches and tags are in the submodule but are being fetched into the parent. Permalink Reply Jun 18, Here's the log output; Started by user ITDude Checkout: No protocol specified ssh-askpass: Permalink Reply Jun 25, Hello, I'm having difficulties getting the git plugin to fetch from download git plugin for jenkins repository. Permalink Reply Dec 29, Permalink Reply Jan 19, Is it possible to show the code changes every time it pulls in the console log? Started on Mar 10, 4: Default Poll Last Built Revision: Permalink Reply Mar 11, If you switch to an earlier git plugin, does it again detect changes? Thanks for the help! If polling finds a change worthy of a builda build will in turn be triggered. What does it mean to be "worthy of a build"? How can I archive that? I stumbled over "disabling of internal tagging issuebut that is not "enough". I just upgraded to the latest GIT plugin, and am receiving this error when building my Xcode project, which has multiple submodules it needs to checkout and update: Please move or remove them before you can switch branches. This is required because some changes have cross-dependencies, so users should be able to build them together e. Fetch and Checkout are done using a script, but I would like to have a list of changes for both the supermodule and the submodule based on a reference branch which is identical for both. I have freestyle project job. In that job i want to merge data from one git branch to another. I have tried GIT Plugin. Can you please help this? How can we find out what's new in 1. What's a download git plugin for jenkins macro? At the time of writing, the link in the Changelog for 1. It looks the GIT plugin from Hudson is not able to find the ssh keys. When i tried from GIT Bash i could see the commands are working fine but the same when executed via GIT Plugin in Hudson, i see the above discussed errors. I see many suggestions on Linux but not anything on Windows. Permalink Reply May 17, Permalink Reply Nov 02, Permalink Reply Nov 22, Permalink Reply Mar 09, However, I'm getting the following error when a build is executed: Started by user xxxxxxxx Checkout: LocalChannel Using strategy: LocalChannel Wiping out workspace first. Cloning the remote Git repository Cloning repository origin Fetching upstream changes from git kamayaq. Could not apply tag jenkins-Server hudson. Here are some major common problems that prevent someone from picking up and using this plugin:. All of this is incredibly difficult to diagnose because "git clone" hangs and fails silently, and this should be rearchitected. Assuming a default Git repo setup, HEAD refers to "master" at that stage. Furthermore, I have a branch called "develop" that does NOT have a submodule commit, but my master does. I've filed download git plugin for jenkins as a bug on the Git plugin issue list see http: There is no included region feature for GIT. If there are some few regions to be participated in the build I think its not a good idea to have so many excluded regions to be listed. Set up your Jenkins project, and leave the 'branch' field in the Git SCM blank. This will cause Jenkins to consider any change on any branch for building. Next, pick a particular branch name as the integration target in the 'Advanced' section - e. Select 'Push GIT tags back to origin repository' from the post-build actions this is required to update download git plugin for jenkins centralised git repo with the results of the build. But I could see changes in other projects which build from GIT branches. Is the GIT tag the download git plugin for jenkins for this issue? I saw in git poll: Permalink Reply Aug 20, I now want to run this on a poll schedule. Download git plugin for jenkins Reply Sep 11, Permalink Reply Sep 17, Permalink Reply Sep 15, Oct 16, Permalink Reply Oct 16, Hi, I have a repository with a submodule, both are managed by gerrit. In the job's configuration I have provided: On the above settings, I get the following log: Thanks in advance for any help provided. Permalink Reply Jun 27, Permalink Reply Jul 13, Anyone have any ideas? Permalink Reply Mar 31, Try using Multiple SCMs plugin. Permalink Reply Sep 06, Permalink Reply Jul 26, How it detects and fetches from the submodule URL? I put "origin" in 'name of repository' and "master" in 'branch to merge to', and the push went swimmingly. Merge options were definitely available in 0. In your example, the local branch name would be 'master'. That still doesn't seem to work properly. I am still seeing Jenkins checkout a revision of master, which is not at all what I need. I need to be able to commit and push a modified file from this cloned repository, and this default behavior completely prevents that. Could any one suggest me how to get it configured? My environment is on windows 7 and the hudson sits on Tomcat and the. I've added a wrapper around the git executable so that I can set up ssh-agent et al. However, I'm getting download git plugin for jenkins following error when a build is executed:. Is there anyway to limit the size of the history in the changelog? I have just imported a large module into a git subtree with s of changes changelog. If I manually delete the changelog. The advantage of this is that you then can have all pushes tested by jenkins, even when developers push at the same time. The git-client plugin 1. Initial deployments of the JGit based plugin exposed a number of gaps in the JGit implementation. Those gaps need to be resolved in the JGit implementation before it can be used as the default implementation. Unfortunately, by the time the build completes, this is often too late particularly if the build download git plugin for jenkins time is very longas a developer has updated their working copy to the latest, unstable code in the repository and has begun work. Can I use Git plugin to connect to Git repository on Team Foundation Server ? When I enter repository URL in Jenkins, I get exception:. For Jenkins matrix builds that use the git plugin, I have this case where the flyweight task will run on the master node while the actual non-flyweight tasks are all done on the slave nodes. On the master node the reference repo is located on D: This is a restricted parameter unfortunately. Now, developers should never commit directly to your integration branch the 'master' or 'stable'. Instead, they should either use feature branches, or create new remote branches on commit download git plugin for jenkins. You could also set up your GIT repository to only accept commits onto the integration branch from Jenkins. Commits should now be automatically merged with the integration branch they will fail if they do not merge cleanlyand built. If the build succeeds, the result of the merge will be pushed back to the remote git repository. Permalink Reply Jan 13, If I set "Local subdirectory for repo" like this: Permalink Reply Feb 10, Permalink Reply Apr 04, Unknown User ts medical-insight. Download git plugin for jenkins Reply Apr 12, Here are some major common problems that prevent someone from picking up and using this plugin: This plugin does not gracefully handle spaces in path names. It's probably not the only one. However, I do not want to ever see HEAD builds. Anything that's not an actual branch name is meaningless to me and my team. How can I prevent this? I use various labels for branches in git i. Is download git plugin for jenkins some way to do this? Related side download git plugin for jenkins, it'd be nice as download git plugin for jenkins of this plugin to have it do a dry-run of the branch picking strategy so that you could set the Branch Specifier and then check what it returns; currently I have to change, request a build, see it fail, change again Is there a way to use parameters with the local subdirectory for repo and the unique SCM name? Download git plugin for jenkins with git-client-plugin 1. The git-client-plugin provides both command line and JGit implementations for the GitClient interface. Using command line demonstrated based on large git plugin issue list to be fragile: Download git plugin for jenkins highly system dependent and require download git plugin for jenkins to install and configure adequate tools on all build slaves. I'm not sure how this makes sense to have as a "global" option when you can specify multiple repos. This is being tracked in JENKINS, which should be download git plugin for jenkins feature request I'm guessing. Having Serious Submodule Problems. I confess that I don't understand what the documentation above about automatic submodule handling is trying to convey about what Hudson is doing, but whatever it is, it seems to be wrong. Log below; can you please help? Are there environment variables set by the plugin? In the post-build script plugin, I want to do something like: The latest release seems to be 1. I'm using the most recent version of the plugin, 0. It's not merging anything, and it's still checking out a SHA-1 instead of a symbolic branch name. I'm trying to figure out how the tags generated by the plugin for each build are pushed back to the origin repository. The text above mentions an option called 'Push GIT tags back to origin repository' but I'm not able to find it. Here is my console output - I notice that it has no idea what the 'last built revision' was: Right now, nobody can easily see status - each topic branch has 5 jobs, 2 of which are grey - making the sub-view grey. If by "this version" you mean a version of the git plugin 3. Permalink Reply Jun 17, download git plugin for jenkins Powered by Atlassian Confluence 5. Now cd to the directory where the clone Jenkins created is and use git config user. It can cause weird authentication issues. These kinds of 'delayed-commits' are problematic, because local SCM tools assume that commits will be immediately available, which can confuse them. In many ways this mechanism is download git plugin for jenkins hack to get around the fact that branch management in SVN is very heavyweight. Fortunately, with GIT and Jenkins, you can achieve the same 'stable branches' with minimal effort.
The download git plugin for jenkins selection attempts to infer the repository browser from other jobs, if supported by the SCM and a job with matching SCM details can be found, though it can also be selected manually. Finally, the Git Plugin is extensible and the plugin itself as well as external plugins can provide Additional Behaviours to tweak the SCM configuration inside each particular project. Please refer to the online help of each of the additional options for further information. I set Jenkins hook as well as post receive hook which triggers build remotely but by giving branch name it give error that no git repo or branch is set. No git jobs using repository: Suddenly git polling has stopped working, on all projects. Polling always says "No Changes" even though changes have been made. I've seen cases where polling seemed download git plugin for jenkins no longer detect changes, and didn't see any reason I could use to justify why it stopped. Page Information Resolved comments Link to this Page… View in Hierarchy View Source Export to PDF Export to Word Import Word Document. Created by magnayn -last modified by David Ishee less than a minute ago. Plugin Information Plugin ID git Changes In Latest Release Since Latest Release Latest Release Latest Release Date Required Core Dependencies 3. Is there any download git plugin for jenkins to get the git plugin to checkout ref names instead of the sha's associated with remote refs? Not being on a branch in the course of a build is causing issues for at least two of us in conjunction with the M2 Release Plugin:. This detaches HEAD and makes it impossible or very hard at least for a subsequent build script to know what branch it's building on. I can't get Hudson to merge into the master branch. I've set the following: I've included the logs below. I just wish it checked out a ref instead of a commit, or at least set an environment variable to the specified branch name: This page should probably mention that the Git plugin relies on a recent version of the Git binaries at least 1. Same problem here with builds always starting from a detached HEAD. Solved by adding executors to my master. Permalink Reply Feb 08, Hi, I have a problem with latest Hudson v1. After fetching successfully Git sources - Maven fails with NPE java. Permalink Reply Mar 27, Permalink Reply Apr 02, Permalink Reply May 06, Yes Name of repository: LocalChannel c7da7 GitAPI created Fetching changes from the remote Git repository Fetching upstream changes from git: Permalink Reply Jun 15, So how do I get the plugin pushing the tags for each build to the upstream repo? There are many blog posts floating about download git plugin for jenkins internet each seemingly individually solving these problems after a long day's work. The problems above could all be alleviated considerably if users are given more information to point them in the right direction. Rather then dealing with all that local user messiness on windows, Just set the server to run as your user:. I just upgraded from 1. The git build messages are identical in the build before the upgrade download git plugin for jenkins the build after. Included region will be doing better in this case. I would like to use the "pre-build branch merging" features mentioned, but I want hudson to either:. I have upgraded the git plugin from 0. It appears that in some circumstances exact ones not yet known, I'm still investigating the tags within a submodule are fetched into the main i. Turning off option "Clean after checkout" and putting this into a prebuild step does the trick:. If not, would it make sense to create a ticket to add this? The git download git plugin for jenkins could potentially consume all its known parameters url, branches, sha1and if there are any parameters left, pass them to the jobs configured with that git url. I can't seem to find the right configuration for the git configuration for the build. Perhaps I'm missing something, but why would the git plugin be attempting to delete a local tag that doesn't exist? Example output showing a specific revision being checked out: The Git plugin does a checkout to a detached head by default. This was introduced as a change quite a while back. Current version of the Git plugin allows you to force checkout to a local branch name that matches the remote branch name. This tells the Git download git plugin for jenkins to do a checkout to a local branch with the same name as the remote sans the remote name origin in this case. If I set "Local subdirectory for repo" like this:. I just want git to to check some branches for changes and work as trigger for a job. That means no cloning, tagging, whatsoever. Since I want to get some stuff from the git log timestamp, revision, tag etc and the plug in messes download git plugin for jenkins up, up until now I have to remove the files first and then clone the repository again "myself". MarkEWaite Usage Installations Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Older versions of this plugin may not be safe to use. Please review the following warnings before using an older version: CSRF vulnerability in Git plugin allows capturing credentials. Started by user anonymous Checkout: LocalChannel 1a1f Last Build: Could not clone from a repository FATAL: Could not clone hudson. Could not clone at hudson. The authenticity of host 'GIT SERVER RSA key fingerprint is The server's host key is not cached in the registry The remote end hung up unexpectedly. I don't understand this line: What does the git plugin compare these parameters to? What does the git plugin do with these parameters? What are the new parameters? Why pass parameters if the server does not directly use anything that the client is sending? I am using git plugin 2. When I close the code from GIT plugin, it donot retain the upstream branch name Running following command on cloned code gives me this. Permalink Reply Jul 28, Greatings, I am facing git clone errors, via git plugin under Windows: This runs as slave: Permalink Reply Dec 03, When I enter repository URL in Jenkins, I get exception: Permalink Reply Jan 24, Permalink Reply Mar 02, Permalink Reply Mar 03, Permalink Reply Mar 22, Permalink Reply Apr 07, Permalink Reply Mar 05, I've get an error when entering the repository URL: Permission denied" I found this: From which location this command tries to launch? I've also tried putting my ref. So using relative paths will not work. Just wanted to note that one way to resolve this is to assign the flyweight task to a slave node. That worked for me. However, I still think that searching for a reference repo should be a list of search paths. I am attempting to configure a Jenkins build and set the source code management as a git repository.
This is becoming slower and slower as more tags appear in the repository. If I don't do this, the parent repository is completely overwhelmed with tags that have 'leaked' from the submodules into the parent repository. More recently I have been creating a new style of Jenkins jobs that are almost completely broken by this bug because they rely on specific tags to be present or not present at the start of the process. Thanks for the help and guidance, btw. Wish I could be more help. That configuration works exactly as we would expect here at my company. Might be able to offer a bit more help if you posted the exact console messages that indicate a failure. I am running Jenkins 1. However, when I go to the manage plugins page to upgrade the plugin it shows as requiring Jenkins 1. A recent Git runtime is required 1. When you are done, log off as the Jenkins user. Installing the plugin itself works like a charm but configuring the system to work properly under Windows can be a bit tricky. On my Windows 7 x64 box, this directory is C: This will populate C: For a more detailed tutorial, see http: If you get something like this:. I have no clue at all, but I know it's wrong. Permalink Reply Aug 06, Unknown User mhasnaine gmail. Permalink Reply Aug 25, Did you submit a JIRA for this yet? Permalink Reply Sep 02, I would like to use the "pre-build branch merging" features mentioned, but I want hudson to either: Is there any way to accomplish this? This has now been resolved through the mailing list. This fixed the problem fine. Is it possible with this plugin? I have the same situation as Adam. We need to be able to clone two separate repos side-by-side in the workspace - the same way we can do so with the Jenkins SVN plugin. Usually, any changes to the project configuration require a commit to the ProjectA superproject. However - there could be other changes happening on other branches of ComponentA say to the development of the next version. I have it mostly working, but when the git plugin pushes the merge back, it triggers another build. I tried change the refspec option to something like: Maybe somebody can give me step by step instructions. I want hudson to trigger on changes, I have this working with post-receive hook in "global repository" I want the development to push changes to temporary branches in "global repository", say like: I want hudson to trigger, merge the changes into the "golden" branch from "global repository", build, and on success push changes back to golden branch on "global repository". Unfortunately, I download git plugin for jenkins was unable to find any repeatable sequence of steps which would let me recreate the download git plugin for jenkins. You download git plugin for jenkins may want to use the mailing list rather than the wiki pages for questions. It's based on parsing command output, and as such can be broken by any git cli update - legacy code already check git-cli version to detect which option can be used. Once the JGit functionality gaps are closed, we consider JGit will be the way to go. If you want to experiment with the JGit implementation, either configure JGit as an available git installation from the "Manage Jenkins" page, or run Jenkins with -Dorg. A common development pattern for many users is the use of a 'superproject' that aggregates a number of submodules. For example, ProjectA may have ComponentA, ComponentB and ComponentC. ComponentA is a shared library, and is set to use a particular revision maybe on a branch called 'ProjectA' in case there are download git plugin for jenkins changes. Folks, I'm experiencing problems setting up the GIT Plugin on a Debian system using a SSH key for authentication and was hoping somebody has had some experience download git plugin for jenkins this setup who could offer some pointers. I believe the problem is that download git plugin for jenkins fails to find the key and thus present it to the GIT server. Finally, this URL doesn't require authentication even for secured Jenkins, because the server doesn't directly use anything that the client is sending. If I delete the aborted builds, the whole cycle starts again. With the svn plugin, when checking out code from the repository the console log would show which files are being checked out. With git plugin I only get a summary but can't see the files as they are pulled. Is there a way to enable this functionality in the git plugin as well? Subsequent builds now behave properly, but it is still a problem for new build jobs, especially as our Hudson server filesystem is not accessible to users. My current workaround download git plugin for jenkins every build deleting all local tags and then re-fetching them from the server. Is it possible to build a search path, such that if the reference repo isn't found in D: I've tried to make two advanced clone behaviors with those paths specified, and it didn't work as expected. In the job's configuration I have provided:. I leave this blank and it generates the following: I have tried many different combinations of settings, and each one gives a different error message, but none of them are ever getting to the point where Ant builds my simple Java project. I don't think this is the correct behavior given that I specify that I want to merge to the master branch. Git logs from hudson: I'm also confused as to why it's using sha's, especially when the plugin allows you to specify the ref you want and the branch to merge to. I personally do think it's a bug if you are specifying the branch to merge to and the fetched code is not merged to that branch. I upgraded to v0. After fetching successfully Git sources - Maven fails with NPE. Here's the full log and job's configuration. Here's a debugger screenshot. Posted it in my blog as well. I'm hoping this is the right place to post this question It looks like the Git plugin simply issues a git fetch origin master or something reasonably similar. Since GIT is a Distributed SCM, it is possible in the Advanced section to specify multiple repositories. You may wish to do this to, download git plugin for jenkins example, pull all in-progress work from individual developers machines, and pre-test them before they are committed to a centralised repository - this way developers may get an early warning that a branch in progress may not be stable. The GIT plugin will make reasonable attempts to try and pull submodule states from distributed repositories, with the proviso that this feature is not currently download git plugin for jenkins supported within GIT itself. I have git configured to build and perform a maven release on any change to master. The repository definition has the "Skip Internal Tag" selected, which should not create a job tag, correct? Is this working as designed? Is there a workaround to skip the deletion of that tag?? Selected info from jenkins log: Failed to push merge to origin repository: Could not delete tag jenkins-spwebsite-release The comment on issue seems to suggest that it should not include that part. The reason I ask is that I am trying to chain some jobs together, so that an SCM change triggers a build, then the build job triggers download git plugin for jenkins parameterized test job to run tests on the branch that changed.